Operation Caffeination

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What can I say…

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It has been snowing in Seattle. You may have heard. It was kind of a big deal to us.

I can drive in the snow. At least the few inches of snow we get around here each winter. Do you know what I can’t drive in, though? Grocery store parking lots.

The business owners around here don’t seem to realize that maintaining the parking lot in snowy weather is one of their jobs. Our grocery store’s parking lot was buried in at least six inches of melting ice and sludge yesterday, too deep to drive a grocery cart through. And we were low enough on groceries that I had to go there anyway.

Getting in was pretty easy, but on the way out we ended up stuck somehow. I don’t know what we were stuck on, because when I got out and checked we appeared to be sitting in a puddle. I sat in the car for awhile, trying to think up a good way to get the car home without paying for a tow truck or waiting for Spring.

Sadly, literally the only thing that came to my mind was a vision of a little stick figure cartoon going “AAAAAAAAAHH!!!”

Written by GRSeim

January 22, 2012 at 8:14 am

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